Join me as I travel around the country to fulfill my goal of running a marathon or half marathon in each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia!

Monday, April 11, 2011

No. No. No. I am NOT Injured.

Yesterday was my last double digit run before the marathon. Heading out for the run I was super happy:

Clarification: This is not a onesie, just a black shirt and black shorts b/c apparently I like to dress gothic when I run.
I did not come back happy. I'm not ready to admit that there is the possiblity I could have a slight injury. The word makes me cringe. However, yesterday's 12.3 mile run did not allow me to ignore the fact that my left hip simply does not feel normal. In fact, it's getting worse. The pain has spread from just my hip to my hip and left lower back. And instead of just occurring on long runs, it is happening on every single run. The 12.3 miles took me 2.5 hours so obviously I walked a lot. Maybe I should go to a physical therapist or some other kind of sports medicine doc to see if there is something else I can do other than at-home hip flexor stretches, foam rolling, and liquid glucosamine. Do you guys know of anything??

I've been lucky to be injury-free the entire 6 months I've been training for this race so I can't believe this is happening two weeks out :( I know a lot of you suffer from constant pain like shin splints or bad knees, so maybe this is something I just need to run through. Oh please racing gods, let it be healed soon!

I felt sorry for myself so I made breakfast for dinner and had double helpings of blueberry pancakes. Take that ya stupid hip.

Blueberry pancakes, banana and PB, and scrambled eggs with ham and cheese. Get in my belllyyy.
 I cheered up when I got online and saw that I now have over 50 followers!! yayy for you guys making my day better :) I promised a give-away so now I have to go shopping this week and figure out what I'm going to give the lucky winner...stay tuned for give-away details by Friday. For now: go enter Tara's give-away (and tell her congrats on her first half marathon) b/c you get an extra entry for following me! ay caramba....I feel so special.

To all my new followers: I apologize for this lame-sauce depressing post. I am usually much more witty, sarcastic, and lively. Do excuse my case of the Mondays.


Vanessa @ Gourmet Runner said...

I hope you'll be ok! Two weeks out is not a good time to start having this kind of trouble :(
On the bright side, that breakfast for dinner looks phenomenal! Yummy!

Julia said...

so hoping that your hip feels better!!! thinking of you for sure!

I have been having weird hip pain lately too and it is driving me crazy!!! stretching helped for a while but now it does not seem to be doing much...blah. I need new ideas too so I am going to have to come back to this post later to see what advice people gave :)

feel better! stay positive!!

Danielle said...

I hope your hip is better soon!!!

Kurt @ Becoming An Ironman said...

Sorry to hear you've been struggling through the pain; I know the feeling all too well.

Back pain is tough to pin point, but if it's the same side as your hip, I bet it's because of the hip. Email me; I've got plenty of questions (location of pain, type of pain, etc) that might help find an answer.

Jen said...

Hopefully during this period of taper will help that hip. I'm so sorry though. Not good!
But your breakfast look delish!

Dr. said...

Don't freak out!! My advice: take really good care of yourself while you taper- try some Aleve, ice as soon as you can after you're done running (strap an ice pack to your hip using an ace bandage), try to get an hour extra of sleep a night to help your body repair itself, and eat lots of good food!!
You are going to do amazing during your marathon!

Tara @ Dashing in Pearls said...

GAAAAH I know what you mean about getting injured so close to a race!! You've got your double digit run over so take it easy... REST, STRETCH, ICE. I hope you start feeling better!!

Kiley said...

ugh - injuries suck. Stretch, Ice, Rest, Foam Roll, know...

Jennifer said...

Yikes! That sucks! I would definitely go see a PT or your doctor asap. Since you're so close to the race, I wouldn't take any chances with making it worse before they can get to it. I hope it magically goes away, though!

Alyssa said...

I'm so sorry - injuries are my biggest fear! I would foam roll like my life depends on it, ice, and get to a physical therapist as soon as humanly possible. Good luck!

Pam said...

Ditto to the advice of taking it really easy during your taper. You're trained, so just stretch and stay off of it as much as you can. Good luck!